Saturday 1 May 2010

We Are The World

Who the fuck are these guys? I don't have a clue but according to various other websites they're a four member band situated in Los-Angeles.

Robbie Williams (music)
Megan Gold (lyrics)
Ryan Heffington (choreographer)
Nina Mcneely (dancer/choreographer)

You may be wondering why does a music band have a dancer and choreographer amongst their ranks? Well, they're not exactly your average music band and adding the word experimental would just be an understatement. Check their Myspace and look at the video's to gain a better insight.....if you can.

Below are two remixe's from their debute album "Clay Stones" comming out on the 10th May which you can buy here . Haunting, eerie and provoking describes WATW pretty well from the few songs I've heard off the album.

We Are The World - Clay Stones (Delivery remix)

We Are The World - Fight Song (Voices Voices remix)

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